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25 Beamten vom Deutschen Bundespolizei reisen für eine Woche Team Training nach Berchtesgaden. Sie werden von Ihrem Trainer, Matteo Stocker, begrüßt. Er schickt sie den Berg hinauf, zu Fuß, zu Ihrer Hütte. Als sie ankommen, gibt es nur noch 24 Beamten. Eine junge Beamtin ist verschwunden. Ein argentinischer Bergsteiger fällt vom Watzmann zu seinem Tod. Warum ist er ohne Reisepass oder Gepäck verreist?
Ein junges Mädchen findet einen Goldbarren beim Schwimmen im Königssee.
Die Kripo fängt an, den Fall zu untersuchen. Als am nächsten Tag, noch mehrere Beamten verschwinden und es herauskommt, daß einige Beamten gar nicht diejenigen sind, die sie behaupten, kommt die Kripo ins straucheln. Sind die Ereignisse verkettet? Und falls ja, wie? Was hat der Bundesnachrichtendienst mit dem Fall zu tun? Die Kripo bittet um Unterstützung bei der Sondereinheit Alpinenpolizei. Auch Matteo, ein erfahrener Eiskletterer wird um Hilfe gebeten.
Kommisar Matteo Stocker löst ein Rätsel auf, dessen Wurzeln zu der Zeit von Hitler anfangen.
Buch 1: The Missionary
Über das abenteuerliche Leben vom heiligen St. Patrick von Irland.
Dieses Buch ist leider noch nicht auf Deutsch übersetzt.
"The Missionary by Rowena Kinread is a vivid and authentic work of historical fiction that retells the life of Ireland’s patron saint, Saint Patrick, in dramatic fashion."
(Gwyneth Rees - Yorkshire Post)
Abstract (amazon.com):
"Patricius, a young man of Britannia, is taken from his home and family when Gaelic pirates attack his village. On his arrival in Ireland, he is sold as a slave to the cruel underking of the Dalriada tribe in the north. Six years later, Patricius manages to escape. His journey takes him through France to Ravenna in Italy. His subsequent plans to return to Britannia are side-tracked when he finds himself accompanying several monks to the island monastery on Lerinus. His devotion to his faith, honed during his captivity, grows as he studies with the monks.Haunted by visions of the Gaels begging him to return to Ireland and share the word of God with them, Patricius gains support from Rome and his friends to return to the land of his captivity. His arrival is bitterly opposed by the druids, who have held power over the Irish kings for many years, and he and his companions must combat the druids to succeed in their God-given mission."
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‘Intricate and well-researched biographical novel that doesn’t shy away from the realities of early Irish life.’
Deborah Swift best-selling historical author about The Missionary.
Buch 2: "The Scots of Dalriada"
Über Fergus, der erste König von Schottland.
Dieses Buch ist leider noch nicht auf Deutsch übersetzt.
Rowena Kinread gives us another rousing historical novel..
Fergus, Loarn and Angus, Princes of the Dalriada, are forced into exile by their scheming half-brother and the druidess Birga One-tooth.
Fergus conceals himself as a stable lad on Aran and falls helplessly in love with a Scottish princess, already promised to someone else. Loarn crosses swords against the Picts. Angus designs longboats.
Always on the run the brothers must attempt to outride their adversaries by gaining power themselves. Together they achieve more than they could possibly dream of.
Fergus Mór (The Great) is widely recognised as the first King of Scotland, giving Scotland its name and its language. Rulers of Scotland and England from Kenneth mac Alpín until the present time claim descent from Fergus Mór.
Full of unexpected twists and turns, this is a tale of heart-breaking love amidst treachery, deceit and murder.
The BookViral Review:
Beginning with the marriage of Erc of Dalriada to his first wife Marca at the age of fifteen and covering the period up until his death in 474AD, Kinread gives us a rousing historical novel and a fine example of what can happen when good writing and extensive research come together.
Erc of Dalriada is a man whose belief in honour and whose love for his second wife Mista, family, and clan make him a figure to cheer for and it’s through him that readers are drawn into the lifelong conflict between his sons Fergus and Cartan who would see himself as King.
What’s best about The Scots of Dalriada: Fergus Mór is the vivid images Kinread conveys of time and place (fifth-century Ireland and Scotland), and the kinds of personalities produced by a world where alliances were often fleeting and fraught with danger.
Suffice it to say that Kinread weaves an exciting web of a story that is interspersed with gem like facts and insight that so often many writers of historical fiction fail to mention and her superb eye for detail is a tribute to her desire to bring the many facets of a tough existence to life.
Given the extended period of The Scots of Dalriada the story outline could have produced yet another tired historical epic with which the genre has become inundated with but Kinread juggles an extensive cast of supporting characters to retain the intrigue throughout. Among them, the return of Saint Patrick as his story from The Missionary is continued and other significant historical figures such as Ceretic Guletic of Alt Clut who was king of Alt Clut.
Central to Kinread’s narrative is the conflict between Fergus, whose subsequent importance as the founder of Scotland in the national myth of Medieval and Renaissance Scotland is not in doubt, and Cartan. Theirs is a complex tale with Cartan’s bitter hatred for Fergus painting him as a cunning and despicable character who is credited with the murder of Erc of Dalriada and his wife Mista among other heinous crimes against Erc’s lineage.
Another original and applaudable novel from Kinread which is sure to appeal to fans of historical fiction and avid historians alike,
The Scots of Dalriada: Fergus Mór is highly recommended.
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Review by Deborah Swift, award-winning- best seller- author of historical fiction
"must read."
"I bought this book on #KindleUnlimited and admit I knew nothing about early Scottish or Irish history, so this was really interesting. It is not for the faint-hearted as early on in the book it contains the sort of sex and violence you might expect from warring tribes of this era. Hand to hand fighting with sword and fists is a very different battlefield to that of today. Don’t let this put you off though, as it is extremely well-researched with episodes covering a vast swathe of history. The sort of hand to mouth existence is well-described, the flat-bottomed boats, the reliance on horses, the language of Brittonic, the burns and brochs, the rocks and seashore. I loved the travel between Scotland and Ireland, and the description of life in the Irish fort at Tara, Meath.
I enjoyed Fergus’ character as he grows and develops. The characters are rough men, used to fighting, manipulating, wielding threats and death to those that cross them. Erc was a great character – he dispenses the wisdom born of age, and came across as hard-headed but realistic. ‘If you receive favours instead of being a leader by merit, then your men will not trust you wholly, nor follow you blindly’.
There is a lot in this novel and you have to keep your wits about you as a reader as it zips from place to place. Rowena Kinread’s love of the history of these people shines through and for anyone interested in their Scottish or Irish origins, or early Christian and Druid history, it is a must read."
Review for The Scots of Dalriada from Cathie Dunn, an award-winning and Amazon-bestselling author.
Whilst I know quite a bit about medieval Scotland, my knowledge of the earlier centuries is somewhat vague. So it was with great interest that I picked up this novel, and I was not disappointed.
The Scots of Dalriada is the tale of three brothers, and of the migration of the Scoti people from Ireland to western Caledonia. So just how did the Scots arrive in Scotland?
The story begins with Erc, Fergus’ father, in Ireland. When he is married to a ’much older’ woman aged 15, for alliances, his life changes forever. His own father is ambitious, and personal contentment are not on his list of favours.
Erc's sons are born, but little does he know what fate has in store for them.
As we see the sons grow up, we witness their experiences. Growing up at such a time of profound change turned men into hardened warriors, each keen to carve out their own fate. It's no time for niceties, and as jealousies grow, so grows the violence.
But it's also a time for opportunities, and as Fergus sets out for a grand adventure, his brother Cartan has other plans. Plans that involve intrigue and murder.
The Scots of Dalriada is a gripping novel that shows a credible ’what if’ scenario. The research is impeccable, and the author's knowledge of the era shines through all through the book. She also doesn't shy away from the machinations of the time, the intrigues, and the coming of age of our young warriors is a brutal path to manhood.
I didn't warm to the narrative, though, which I found a little repetitive and jarring at times. But that didn't spoil my reading experience. The characters are clearly defined, none too likeable, but relatable in an historical sense. The plot is gripping, full of action, and the author's description takes us right back to what we consider the Dark Ages. In one sense, they were indeed dark: the bloody violence of the times, mixed with personal ambition that brought men to turn against their own.
A clever plot, deep characterisation, and detailed description make The Scots of Dalriada a great read. Fans of historical fiction set in Scotland and Ireland in particular will enjoy it.
Buy Links:
Universal Link: https://books2read.com/u/47VXAL
Amazon UK: https://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/B0BS78THF3
Amazon US: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0BS78THF3
Amazon CA: https://www.amazon.ca/gp/product/B0BS78THF3
Amazon AU: https://www.amazon.com.au/gp/product/B0BS78THF3
Buch 3: Der Zündhölzli Bub
Basierend auf einer wahren Geschichte, die sich am Fuße der Alpen abspielte.
Genre: Kriminalroman und sozialgeschichtliche Fiktion (Mitte des neunzehnten Jahrhunderts); Historische Fiktion.
Schauplatz: ein abgelegenes Schweizer Alpental im Berner Oberland.
Die Geschichte ist eine universelle Geschichte von Außenseitern gegen mächtige Alpha-Männer.
Ich denke, dass dieses Buch den Lesern von Robert Seethaler und Elmar Bereuter gefallen wird.
Bin ich ein Hund, dass du mit Stöcken zu mir kommen solltest? Malcolm Gladwell
Als sein junger Bruder Josef von einer Steinlawine getötet wird, glaubt Jakob an einen Mord. Er hatte jemanden auf dem Bergrücken gesehen, oberhalb des Gerölls, bevor dies ins Rutschen kam. Aber wer würde ein Kind töten wollen, und warum? Jakob verdächtigt Ramun, den privilegierten Sohn des Besitzers einer Zündholzfabrik, doch niemand nimmt ihn ernst und er ist zu machtlos, um Gerechtigkeit zu erlangen. Dreißig Jahre später wird Jakobs hochgradig taube Tochter von Ramun vergewaltigt und geschwängert. Entschlossen, seiner Tochter Recht zu verschaffen, kommt Jakob einer Vielzahl gut gehüteter Geheimnisse in der wortkargen Gemeinde auf die Spur. Aber ist überhaupt jemand bereit, die Wahrheit zu sagen? Gerade als er glaubt, alle Fakten aufgedeckt zu haben, stellt er fest, dass er die ganze Zeit über einen grundlegenden Fehler gemacht hat. Nichts ist wirklich so, wie es scheint.